Home Ursula K. Le Guin Chapter 5

Ursula K. Le Guin



Heaven and earth aren’t humane. To them the ten thousand things are straw dogs.

Wise souls aren’t humane. To them the hundred families are straw dogs.

Heaven and earth act as a bellows:

Empty yet structured, it moves, inexhaustibly giving.

Note UKLG: The “inhumanity” of the wise soul doesn’t mean cruelty. Cruelty is a human characteristic. Heaven and earth — that is, “Nature” and its Way — are not humane, because they are not human. They are not kind; they are not cruel; those are human attributes. You can only be kind or cruel if you have, and cherish, a self. You can’t even be indifferent if you aren’t different. Altruism is the other side of egoism. Followers of the Way, like the forces of nature, act selflessly.

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